Node Details Dashboard

The Node Details dashboard provides a granular view into the operational health of a Flow node and the information you need to diagnose any performance issues. Most metrics and views display network-level benchmarks which allow you to understand how the performance of your node compares to the rest of the network. Included below is an overview of the different sections in the Node Details dashboards.

Some Node Roles may not contain all of the sections communicated below.

Time Range

The Node Details dashboard supports different time ranges to help you visualize performance history. Use the time picker in the top right corner of the page to choose the time range that best suits your operational needs.

Flow Network Status

Similar to the Node Overview Dashboard, you’ll notice Flow’s Network Status indicators, here you can see the operational health of the Flow network and the status of each node role.


The top of the dashboard includes high-level information about the selected node: Node Type, Node Status, Agent Status, and Agent Version.


The Summary section includes the most important metrics and information about your node in the context of the protocol. If any of these indicators show signs of degradation in your node performance, it’s crucial you act fast to avoid any reward losses or slashing.

System Health

The System Health section is common across all node roles and is likely the most useful place to start troubleshooting node issues. We track the 4 key system properties that allow a Flow node to correctly run the Flow protocol software. If you notice any issues related to machine performance, you should make the necessary changes to your infrastructure to remedy these issues.

Uptime & Node Status

Uptime and Node Status are an extension of metrics seen in the Summary section. It tracks uptime over the chosen time period, node software version, and whether you should update given the percentage of nodes on the latest version.

Consensus State (Consensus Nodes Only)

The Consensus State Section tracks the performance of a node's consensus responsibilities. In particular, if a node is up-to-date or falling behind the rest of the network. It’s important that the metrics in this section are aligned or just behind the network benchmarks provided. if your node fails to keep pace with the rest of the network, it risks falling behind and losing rewards or being slashed. To help with troubleshooting, any issues here should be contrasted with the above sections regarding system metrics and node status.

Proposals (Consensus Nodes Only)

The Proposals section tracks the node’s proposal activity, including total blocks proposed, block proposal success rate, block proposal propagation to the rest of the network, and block proposal time to finalization. All these metrics will be key in calculating Flow rewards in the future. To help with troubleshooting, any issues here should be contrasted with the above sections regarding system metrics and node status.

Voting (Consensus Nodes Only)

The Voting section tracks the node's voting activity, including total votes casted, successful vote ratio, and vote propagation latency to the rest of the network. All these metrics will be key in calculating Flow rewards in the future. To help with troubleshooting, any issues here should be contrasted with the above sections regarding system metrics and node status.

Last updated