Consensus Performance Dashboard

The Consensus Performance dashboard is divided into three sections: Block Production, Attestations and, Validator Leaderboard.

Block Production

Summarizes the number of blocks produced during a certain time and displays the average block interval time, which is expected to be at 12 seconds, the number of active validators (active_ongoing) and, the number of blocks proposed (blocks generated).

  • Epochs: Current, latest Justified and latest Finalized epochs.

  • Blocks: Successfully proposed blocks.

  • Validators: The number of validator able to vote or propose blocks (active_ongoing).

  • Block Interval Time: Tracks the number of blocks proposed and the time between each block. If there are no missed proposals the block interval time should be 12 seconds. The distribution shows how many blocks were proposed on time (12 seconds) or were missed: 24 seconds = 1 missed block, 36 = 2 consecutive missed blocks, etc.

  • Misssed Proposals: Network wide total missed proposals.

  • Number of Forks: Total number of forks over time. A fork is created when a new block does not reference the latest block hash, but rather builds on an older block hash.


Tracks one of the key duties of validators.

  • Vote: Number of votes casted during a certain time period.

  • Validator: Number of unique validators that attested during a certain time period.

  • Attestation Success Rate: The share of total votes casted over the total possible votes.

Validator Leaderboard

Shows the performance of validators, initially sorted by the attestation success rate. The list can be sorted by either the Balance, Effective Balance or the Annual Percentage Rate (APR). By clicking on a validator index you will be redirected to the Validator Drill Down page.

  • Attestation Success Rate: The number of votes casted over the total possible votes that the validator could cast.

  • Balance: Staked balance plus the rewards minus the penalties

  • Effective Balance: Staked balance

  • APR: Annualised weekly return calculated on the effective balance. We calculate the return on the effective balance given that this is the number used to calculate rewards and because rewards are not compounded.

Last updated