Node Falling Behind

What are Node Falling Behind alerts?

In order for your node to operate correctly within the Flow network it needs to be operating at or near the same block height as other nodes within the network. The Node Falling Behind alert will inform a node operator when their node is falling behind with respect to their peers so that they can ‘catch back up’.

How are Node Falling Behind alerts triggered?

Every minute our node agent will check the finalized block height of your node, if you are more than 300 blocks behind the network height, then we will trigger the alert. The network height is determined by looking at the heights of other nodes and then using a combination of the maximum height and the majority height.

What notifications will I receive?

You will receive an alert for your node if you fall more than 300 blocks behind. You will then receive a clearing alert if your node catches back up to less than 300 blocks behind.

How do I resolve it?

This alert is often triggered by the system being unable to service the demands and requests put on it by the Flow protocol software. Your first checkpoint should be the node’s system health, checking key system-level metrics (e.g., CPU usage, RAM usage, Disk Space). If this doesn’t turn up any issues, please run through our standard checks:

  • Check that the clock of your node has not drifted.

  • Check that key system-level metrics (e.g., CPU usage, RAM usage, Disk Space) of your node exhibit normal behavior.

  • Check that your node is configured to receive requests and respond to other nodes on the network.

  • Check that your node meets the minimum requirements for hardware outlined here.

  • Check that your node meets the minimum requirements for networking outlined here.

Last updated