Minority EVM Vote

What are Minority EVM Vote alerts?

Validators can participate in external chain voting if they are registered as chain maintainers. All chain maintainers are required to vote to verify the following type of events on the external chains they maintain: ConfirmTransferKey, ConfirmERC20Deposit, ConfirmERC20TokenDeployment, ConfirmGatewayTx, ConfirmChain. Validators are expected to vote correctly by either verifying (voting “Yes”) or disproving (voting “No) the event. When a validator casts an incorrect EVM vote (usually a “No” vote), they stop accruing the associated rewards. The alert evaluates by determining whether a validator’s vote matched the majority vote. When a validator reaches 25 minority votes for a given chain over the last 500 polls, they get automatically deregistered as chain maintainers. To inform users about potential issues and assist validators to resolve issues they may have, we provide an alert when a validator casts more than x minority EVM votes across all the chains they maintain within the last hour, where x is the alert threshold set by the user (default value: 5).

How are Minority EVM vote alerts triggered?

Minority EVM vote alerts are evaluated every 5 minutes. Once our alerting system identifies that a validator has voted incorrectly more than x times within one hour, an alert will be triggered.

What notifications will I receive?

You will receive a single notification per validator you are subscribed to informing you when a minority EVM vote issue has occurred. If the issue persists two consecutive periods, you will not receive any additional notifications, but its status will remain “Firing” in the Metrika platform. Once the issue is resolved (your validator cast at most x incorrect EVM votes within the past hour), you will receive a single notification informing you about the resolution of the EVM vote issue.

How do I resolve it?

There may be various root causes causing this alert. Here are some recommended checks on your validator’s health to identify the potential issue:

  • Check whether the RPC node for the corresponding EVM chain is fully caught up

  • Check network connectivity

    • see if vald is able to connect to RPC nodes

    • see if vald is able to connect to the validator node or an Axelar full node

  • Verify [[axelar_bridge_evm]] config and restart vald

  • Rsync or provision another RPC node for the EVM chain in question

  • Check resource utilizations on RPC nodes in question, see if you can identify bottlenecks

  • Check vald logs, search for anomalies such as error message, warnings, panics

Last updated